Student's Profile

In the year 2017 about 1.2 million students appeared in the JEE-Mains (Joint Entrance Examination-Mains), which approximately accounted for almost all the engineering aspirants of India. About 1% of these made it to the world renowned IITs (through IIT-JEE), and about 1.5% to the prestigious NITs and IIITs.

Fig. 2 shows the rank profile of students at NIT-Silchar. The modal class being top 1-2 % ranks almost consistently in the JEE-Mains, our institute unquestionably happens to be one of the most preferred T-Schools in the country by highest quality students.
NIT Silchar has got a quality pool of students distributed among 6 branches.

NIT Silchar offers undergraduate and graduate programs in Engineering, Science and Humanities with 11 departments. The annual intake for the B.Tech. program is more than 632 (632 as of 2016). The institute also offers different post graduation programs in Engineering, Science and Management. The Institute also has a Kendriya Vidyalaya school up to Class VIII functioning from a temporary building in Campus. Now, the Kendriya Vidyalaya has got its own campus inside the institute. The Institute has its own kids school near to computer science building.
Student Distribution