Internship offers for students of NIT Silchar during summer vacation will be governed by the following rules and regulations as stated below:
- Students who wish to participate in the internship activities will be required to submit their names to the coordinators of the respective branches. He/she will coordinate all the internship activities of the students of that department.
- A company/organization which intends to recruit students for internship has to approach the Faculty I/C of T&P cell. The details required such as CV of the students, logistic support etc. will have to be communicated well in advance.
- A company/organization has to intimate the selection results within a stipulated time to the faculty I/C of T&P cell or the coordinator of the concerned department, such that the department can keep a track of the selected students who are officially placed for internship.
- As soon as a student is selected by a company/organization for internship, he/she will not be considered for any subsequent processes of internship. A student will be allowed to accept only one internship offer at a time, anywhere in India or overseas for all internship opportunities that are routed through the institute.
- The No-Objection-Certificate (NOC), if required by the company/organization for an internship within India, will be issued by the concerned Training & Placement officer.
- The NOC should explicitly mention that the student has fulfilled his/her academic requirements until now and that NITS has no objection to the student doing an internship during the summer vacation. Further, it should also include that this NOC is being issued at the request of the student and that NITS is not responsible for the supervision of the student or liable for any of his/her actions during the internship.
- In case, a student is found to violate the internship rules and regulations in the form of rejecting an internship offer in India or abroad after accepting the same, the student will have to produce a valid reason for the violation of internship rules. Without a valid reason, the student will be debarred from taking part in subsequent placement activities of the institute.