IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Talk on 10 Sept 2013

(From left, Avinash Sahoo, Dr. R H Laskar, Prof. Richard Pinto, Prof. Ramgopal Rao, Dr. T R Lenka, IEEE-EDS Faculty Advisor and Mr. Koushik Guha and attendees)
IEEE-EDS Student Branch Chapter at National Institute of Technology, Silchar organized Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Talk on 10 Sept 2013 at NIT Silchar. Prof. Ramgopal Rao, IIT Bombay (IEEE-EDS DL) and Prof. Richard Pinto, IIT Bombay delivered talks on “Nanoelectronics” and “Pulsed Laser Deposition-25 Years Young” respectively. M.Tech and PhD scholars of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT Silchar attended the DL talk.