One Day Seminar on “ Interdisciplinary Research on Biomedical Engineering”on 26 Aug 2013

(From left, Prof. F. A. Talukdar, IEEE Branch Counselor, Dr. Santanu Dhara, Dr. T R Lenka, IEEE-EDS Faculty Advisor, Prof. Sneh Anand, Prof. Ajit Kumar Banthia, Mr. Koushik Guha and attendees of the Seminar)
IEEE-EDS Student Branch Chapter at National Institute of Technology, Silchar organized One Day Seminar on “Interdisciplinary Research on Biomedical Engineering” under TEQIP-II on 26 Aug 2013 at Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT Silchar. Prof. Sneh Anand, Centre for Biomedical Engineering, IIT Delhi, Prof. Ajit Kumar Banthia, IIT Kharagpur and Dr. Santanu Dhara, Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine Group, School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT, Kharagpur, delivered lectures on Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials and Biosensors.